The Skins I'm In

First thing I wrap
my bones in skin,
three layers since
I’m cold.

The outer skin
is wrapped in chains,
doing the expected,
planning calls and tasks.

The second layer
loves to play,
crayons on the wall,
slaps stickers in the planner.

The inner skin,
she drifts and dreams,
pours flowers
in my ears.

When I’m alone (except for dogs),
they giggle and conspire.
Sometimes my skins switch places
And no one is the wiser.

Nolcha (@NolchaF) has written all her life, starting with poop and crayons on the walls. That led to a long career in technical writing.
She retired into blogging and short stories (27 published). In June 2021, she turned to poetry. Her poems have been published in
WyoPoets NewsDuck Head JournalDark Entries, and Ancient Paths.
Nolcha’s major poetic influences are “The Cat in the Hat” and “Alice in Wonderland.”