
and pipes taking corners
like ivy, crawling
the ceiling. vents
like night-time animals,
creeping through corners
of space. and plantroom
is the right
name for this place underneath
of the building –
all these secret power lines,
snaking into
holes. and Pat
shows me around
at lunchtime, talking about
the systems
like a man who breeds horses
for love.

“this is for air pressure.”
“this one for gas.” I follow
dumb and frightened
as a pet dog
in a new apartment.

around, engines rattle
quite peaceably
like bears
in a hibernating

DS Maolalai has been nominated eight times for Best of the Net and five times for the Pushcart Prize. His poetry has been released in two collections, “Love is Breaking Plates in the Garden” (Encircle Press, 2016) and “Sad Havoc Among the Birds” (Turas Press, 2019)